Esta parte del Registro de Metadatos (MDR) contiene los metadatos mínimos comunes incluidos en la "Especificación para la implementación del Identificador Europeo de Legislación en España", diferenciando los correspondientes a la normativa estatal y autonómica y los correspondientes a la normativa local.
Name | Domain | Range | Definition | Observaciones |
eli:jurisdiction | LegalResource | eli:AdministrativeArea, containing the list of administrative territorial units defined in | The jurisdiction from which the legal resource originates. The place identifier can be taken from the Administrative Territorial Unit table published of the EU Publications Office at Member States don't have to recreate their own list of values. |
Definida conforme ISO3166 alfa 2 (apartado 7.1) |
eli:type_document | LegalResource | eli:ResourceType, corresponding to a local concept scheme. | The type of a legal resource (e.g. "Directive", "Règlement grand ducal", "law", "règlement ministeriel", "draft proposition", "Parliamentary act", etc.). Member states are encouraged to make their own list of values in the corresponding concept scheme. EU Publications Office provides a list of values for EU resource types at |
Elemento obligatorio según la ontología ELI. Tabla de vocabulario controlado (apartado 7.2) |
eli:date_document | LegalResource | xsd:Date | Date of adoption or signature (of the form yyyy-mm-dd) | Genera los elementos year/month/day de la URI (apartado 7.3) |
eli:number | LegalResource | xsd:String | An identifier or other disambiguating feature for a legal resource or legal expression. This can be the number of a legislation, the number of an article, or the issue number of an official journal. | Con carácter general, el número se corresponde con el número oficial. Si no existe, se genera un number ficticio (apartado 7.4) |
eli:version | LegalResource | eli:Version, corresponding to a local concept scheme | A version status for the resource. Member states are encouraged to make their own list of values in the Version concept scheme. Example of such values can be "Official Journal", "made", "consolidated", "proposed", "prospective", etc. | Tabla de vocabulario controlado (apartado 7.5) |
eli:version_date | LegalResource | xsd:Date | The point-in-time at which the provided description of the legislation is valid. |
Este metadato está previsto para recursos consolidados e indica la fecha de su actualización. Se adapta a distintos criterios de interpretación (criterio de vigencia o de publicación). Es obligatorio cuando se ofrecen las versiones consolidadas intermedias. Sólo forma parte de la URI en estos casos (apartado 7.6). |
eli:language | LegalExpression | eli:Language, corresponding to the list of languages published by EU Publications Office. | The language of an expression. EU Publications Office provides a list of languages at This list is large enough so that member states should not have to declare local values. Note that, if needed, a language can also be stated on a legal resource using the Dublin Core "language" property. |
Elemento obligatorio según la ontología de ELI. Definido conforme la ISO 639-3 con una adaptación para el valenciano así como para los textos bilingües (apartado 7.7) |
eli:format | Format | Owl:Thing | The physical embodiment of a legal expression, either on paper or in any electronic format (definition adapted from RDA). For example, any electronic or physical format of the legal expression (XML, TIFF, PDF, etc.); e.g. PDF version of act 3 of 2005. (adapted from Akoma Ntoso) |
Elemento obligatorio según la ontología de ELI. |
eli:title | LegalExpression | xsd:String | The title, or name, of an expression. Note that, if needed, a title can also be stated on a legal resource using the Dublin Core "title" property. |
Elemento obligatorio según la ontología de ELI |
eli:date_publication | LegalResource; LegalExpression | xsd:Date | Date of publication of the official version of the legislation, in hard copy or online, depending on what the official publication is, and when it was published. Publication dates at the level of legal expressions can be separately asserted, using standard Dublin Core properties. | |
eli:publisher (eli:publisher_agent) |
LegalExpression; format | xsd:string | Publisher: An entity responsible for making the resource available (definition from Dublin Core). This property should be used when the value cannot be identified by a suitable URI; if a URI is available, the property "publisher_agent" should be used. | Resulta de interés identificar la entidad encargada de publicar el recurso, mediante la correspondiente URI, dado que en ocasiones la entidad responsable del diario oficial no es la que ofrece los textos consolidados |
eli:is_member_of | LegalResource | LegalResource | Indicates that this resource is conceptually included in another one. Typically the successive temporal versions of a given legislation are conceptually members of a single « abstract » resource. For the notion of physical inclusion, use eli:is_part_of. | Enlaza un recurso legal con el recurso legal abstracto al que corresponde |
eli:has_member | LegalResource | LegalResource | Indicates that this resource conceptually includes another one. For the notion of physical inclusion, use eli:has_part. | Enlaza el recurso legal abstracto con los recursos legales que derivan de él. |
eli:is_another_publication_of | LegalResource | LegalResource | Indicates that this resource is a new publication, in a different official journal, of another resource already published elsewhere, and cannot be considered to be the same resource (owl:sameAs cannot be used to avoid potential duplication of certain metadata, like the date of publication, or the publisher). Note that this is different from the exceptionnal cases of "republication", where the same resource is actually republished in the same official journal a few days after its initial publication, in case of errors. |
Enlaza una norma publicada en un diario oficial con una publicación anterior en otro diario |
eli:has_another_publication | LegalResource | LegalResource | Inverse of "is_another_publication_of". | Enlaza una norma publicada en un diario oficial con una publicación posterior en otro diario |
eli:realizes | LegalExpression | LegalResource | Relates a legal expression to the legal resource realised through that expression. (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "is_realized_by". | Elemento obligatorio según la ontología de ELI.Enlaza la expresión con el recurso legal |
eli:is_realized_by | LegalResource | LegalExpression | Relates a legal resource to a legal expression of this resource in the form of a "sequence of signs" (typically alpha-numeric characters in a legal context). (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "realizes". | Enlaza un recurso legal con sus expresiones. Aunque no es un elemento obligatorio, se considera conveniente incorporar este metadato para establecer las relaciones de manera bidireccional |
eli:embodies | Format | LegalExpression | Relates a physical format to the legal expression embodied in that format (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "is_embodied_by". | Elemento obligatorio según la ontología de ELI.Enlaza el formato con la expresión |
eli:is_embodied_by | LegalExpression | Format | Relates a legal expression to a physical format of that expression (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "embodies". | Para enlazar la expresión con el formato. Aunque no es elemento obligatorio, se considera conveniente incorporar este metadato para establecer las relaciones de manera bidireccional |
eli:consolidates | LegalResource | LegalResource | Indicates that this consolidated legal resource or expression (which is usually the product of an editorial process that revises the legislation) takes into account another one. This property should be used multiple times to refer to both the original version or the previous consolidated version, and to the legislations making the change. | Para enlazar el recurso legal consolidado con el inicialmente publicado |
eli:consolidated_by | LegalResource | LegalResource | Inverse of "consolidates". Indicates that this legal resource or expression is taken into account in consolidated text (which is usually the product of an editorial process that revises the legislation). | Para enlazar el recurso legal inicialmente publicado con el recurso legal consolidado |
eli:corrects | LegalResource or LegalExpression | LegalResource or LegalExpression or Format | Indicates that this resource introduces textual modifications (like correction of spelling mistakes) with no legal change in another resource, expression or format; typically corrigenda in EU legislation. For modifications that have a legal impact, use eli:amends. | Para enlazar las correcciones con el recurso legal correspondiente |
eli:corrected_by | LegalResource or LegalExpression or Format | LegalResource or LegalExpression | Inverse of "corrects". Indicates a resource that introduces textual modifications (like correction of spelling mistakes) with no legal change in this resource, expression or format; typically corrigenda in EU legislation. For modifications that have a legal impact, use eli:amended_by. | Para enlazar el recurso legal con sus correcciones |
Name | Domain | Range | Definition | Observaciones |
eli:jurisdiction | LegalResource | eli:AdministrativeArea, containing the list of administrative territorial units defined in ority/atu | The jurisdiction from which the legal resource originates. | Definida conforme a ISO 3166 alfa 2+ número de inscripción en el Registro de EELL (apartado 11.5 a) |
eli:type_document | LegalResource | eli:ResourceType, corresponding to a local concept scheme | The type of a legal resource (e.g. "Directive", "Règlement grand ducal", "law", "règlement ministeriel", "draft proposition", "Parliamentary act", etc.). Member states are encouraged to make their own list of values in the corresponding concept scheme. EU Publications Office provides a list of values for EU resource types at |
Elemento obligatorio según la ontología ELI. Tabla de vocabulario controlado (apartado 11.5 b) |
eli:date_publication | LegalResource; Legalexpression | xsd:Date | Date of publication of the official version of the legislation, in hard copy or online, depending on what the official publication is, and when it was published. Publication dates at the level of legal expressions can be separately asserted, using standard Dublin Core properties. | Corresponde a la fecha de publicación en el BOP. Genera los elementos year/month/day de la URI (apartado 11.5 c). |
eli:number | LegalResource | xsd:String | An identifier or other disambiguating feature for a legal resource or legal expression. This can be the number of a legislation, the number of an article, or the issue number of an official journal. | Generación de número ficticio, salvo que la entidad local emisora numere oficialmente y el número aparezca en la publicación en el BOP. El valor del número ficticio debe figurar entre paréntesis (apartado 11.5 d). |
eli:version | LegalResource | eli:Version, corresponding to a local concept scheme | A version status for the resource. Member states are encouraged to make their own list of values in the Version concept scheme. Example of such values can be "Official Journal", "made", "consolidated", "proposed", "prospective", etc. | Tabla de vocabulario controlado (Apartado 11.5 e). |
eli:version_date | LegalResource | xsd:Date | The point-in-time at which the provided description of the legislation is valid. | Este metadato está previsto para recursos consolidados e indica la fecha de su actualización. Se adapta a distintos criterios de interpretación (criterio de vigencia o de publicación). Es obligatorio cuando se ofrecen las versiones consolidadas intermedias. Sólo forma parte de la URI en estos casos. (apartado 11.5 f). |
eli:language | LegalExpression | eli:Language, corresponding to the list of languages published by EU Publications Office | The language of an expression. EU Publications Office provides a list of languages at This list is large enough so that member states should not have to declare local values. Note that, if needed, a language can also be stated on a legal resource using the Dublin Core "language" property. |
Elemento obligatorio según la ontología ELI. Definido conforme la ISO 639-3 con una adaptación para el valenciano así como para los textos bilingües (apartado 11.5 g) |
eli:format | Format | Owl:Thing | The file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource (definition from Dublin Core). Possible URIs values should be taken from (e.g., and can serve as a basis for content negotiation for the server to return the appropriate file based on the client preference. |
Elemento obligatorio según la ontología ELI. |
eli:title | LegalExpression | xsd:String | The title, or name, of an expression. Note that, if needed, a title can also be stated on a legal resource using the Dublin Core "title" property. |
Elemento obligatorio según la ontología ELI. |
eli:date_document | LegalResource; | xsd:Date | Date of adoption or signature (of the form yyyy-mm-dd). | La que corresponde al texto definitivo, ya se trate de fecha de aprobación/toma de conocimiento por el órgano colegiado o la fecha de firma por la autoridad competente. |
eli:publisher (eli:publisher_agent) | LegalExpression; Format | xsd:string | Publisher: An entity responsible for making the resource available (definition from Dublin Core). This property should be used when the value cannot be identified by a suitable URI; if a URI is available, the property "publisher_agent" should be used. | Resulta de interés identificar la entidad encargada de ofrecer el recurso, mediante la correspondiente URI, dado que puede ser el BOP o la entidad local responsable del recurso. |
eli:is_member_of | LegalResource | LegalResource | Indicates that this resource is conceptually included in another one. Typically the successive temporal versions of a given legislation are conceptually members of a single «abstract» resource. For the notion of physical inclusion, use eli:is_part_of. | Enlaza un recurso legal con el recurso legal abstracto al que corresponde. |
eli:has_member | LegalResource | LegalResource | Indicates that this resource conceptually includes another one. For the notion of physical inclusion, use eli:has_part. | Enlaza el recurso legal abstracto con los recursos legales que derivan de él. |
eli:is_realized_by | LegalResource | LegalExpression | Relates a legal resource to a legal expression of this resource in the form of a "sequence of signs" (typically alpha-numeric characters in a legal context) (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "realizes". | Enlaza un recurso legal con sus expresiones. Aunque no es un elemento obligatorio, se considera conveniente incorporar este metadato para establecer las relaciones de manera bidireccional. |
eli:realizes | Legal Expression | Legal Resource | Relates a legal expression to the legal resource realised through that expression (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "is_realized_by". | Elemento obligatorio según la ontología ELI. Enlaza la expresión con el recurso legal. |
eli:is_embodied_by | LegalExpression | Format | Relates a legal expression to a physical format of that expression (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "embodies". | Para enlazar la expresión con el formato. Aunque no es elemento obligatorio, se considera conveniente incorporar este metadato para establecer las relaciones de manera bidireccional. |
eli:embodies | Format | LegalExpression | Relates a physical format to the legal expression embodied in that format (definition adapted from RDA). Inverse of "is_embodied_by". | Elemento obligatorio según la ontología ELI. Enlaza el formato con la expresión. |
eli:consolidates | LegalResource | LegalResource | Indicates that this consolidated legal resource or expression (which is usually the product of an editorial process that revises the legislation) takes into account another one. This property should be used multiple times to refer to both the original version or the previous consolidated version, and to the legislations making the change. | Para enlazar el recurso legal consolidado con el inicialmente publicado. |
eli:consolidated_by | LegalResource | LegalResource | Inverse of "consolidates". Indicates that this legal resource or expression is taken into account in a consolidated text (which is usually the product of an editorial process that revises the legislation). | Para enlazar el recurso legal inicialmente publicado con el recurso legal consolidado. |
eli:corrects | LegalResource or LegalExpression | LegalResource or LegalExpression or Format | Indicates that this resource introduces textual modifications (like correction of spelling mistakes) with no legal change in another resource, expression or format; typically corrigenda in EU legislation. For modifications that have a legal impact, use eli:amends. | Para enlazar las correcciones con el recurso legal correspondiente. |
eli:corrected_by | LegalResource or LegalExpression or Format | LegalResource or LegalExpression | Inverse of "corrects". Indicates a resource that introduces textual modifications (like correction of spelling mistakes) with no legal change in this resource, expression or format; typically corrigenda in EU legislation. For modifications that have a legal impact, use eli:amended_by. | Para enlazar el recurso legal con sus correcciones. |
eli:is_another_publication_of | Legal resource | Legal resource | Indicates that this resource is a new publication, in a different official journal, of another resource already published elsewhere and cannot be considered to be the same resource (owl:sameAs cannot be used to avoid potential duplication of certain metadata, like the date of publication or the publisher). Note that this is different from the exceptionnal cases of "republication", where the same legal resource is actually republished in the same official journal a few days after its initial publication, in case of error. |
Se utiliza en el caso de que la entidad desee relacionar la publicación efectuada por el boletín de información municipal con la efectuada por el boletín oficial de la provincia. No se utiliza en las versiones consolidadas. |
eli:has_another_publication | Legal resource | Legal resource | Inverse of "is _another_publication_of". | Se utiliza en el caso de que la entidad desee relacionar la publicación efectuada por el boletín oficial de la provincia con la efectuada por el boletín de información municipal. No se utiliza en las versiones consolidadas. |